Hockey Theme Goalie Stick Clothes Hanger *Brand New Creative Idea*

Steve Kaiser
Attached is a new, creative idea me and my brother have. My hope is to mass produce these but that is only a dream. If you would like to message me in how to make my listing better, more professional, or would like to purchase them, I would greatly appreciate it! *All proceeds goes to My College Debt Foundation

Steve Kaiser
How much would you think that this is worth and if I put it as an auction, what would be your asking price or highest bid. I have been talking to a friend of mine and he says that setting this as an auction might help me establish a "Buy It Now" price range.

Steve Kaiser
I added a website a few days ago. It is so far kicking off great with views and reports. Also, you can view the different sticks available making purchasing a little less of a headache.