Goalies (2)
Johnathon Wingate
53 games played. -
Brian Larson
162 games played.
Skaters (20)
Keith Lunzer
139 games played. -
Nicole Anderson
168 games played. -
Andrew Carter
13 games played. -
Kyle Johnson
64 games played. -
Grant Elbert
26 games played. -
Alex Clevette
142 games played. -
Mark Nolden
84 games played. -
Randy Deones
33 games played. -
Philip Overgaard
78 games played. -
dave willis
63 games played. -
Brian Frake
347 games played. -
Ryan Venne
8 games played. -
Chad Goldenberg
75 games played. -
Jon Schmoll
70 games played. -
Greg Hagen
17 games played. -
Mark Peterson
428 games played. -
Lisa M.
146 games played. -
Rob Jones
351 games played. -
Lee Moua
88 games played. -
Michael Greenheck
101 games played.
There is 2 games of who wins JMS this night. Dark vs light and goalies vs skaters. Dark vs. Light same ole same ole team with most goals win. However, second game is goalies vs skaters. Should goalies keep cumulatively score below 8 goals goalies win. If skaters get 8 or more goals cumulatively skaters win! Most importantly, everyone wins if we are having fun regardless of score outcome :)
Just offering an idea. I'm fine with the way JMS is now.