Earlier times are tough!

Aaron Sackett
Seeing some of the games shift to earlier summer schedules (I'm especially talking about STIA upper level on Thursdays), I just wanted to say that earlier is not always better! Many of us have kids in and/or coach summer sports with games that don't end until 8:30. I don't think I'm the only one - locker room conversation last week confirms. I know folks complain about the late 9:30-10pm starts, but if attendance drops off at these new 8pm starts, I bet this is a big reason. I'll have to find some other 9pm or later starts elsewhere!

Rick Banaszewski Administrator
Thanks for the feedback, Aaron. I'm in the same boat as you but most arenas won't allow us to start much later because of gaps in their ice. Cottage Grove, for example, starts at 8:30 but there was no one on the ice in front of ice when we arrived. I can't recall the STIA schedule but believe they are in a similar position.

Aaron Sackett
Thanks, Rick. Yes, just wanted to give the feedback!

Chris Jones
Many of us also work at 5 or 6 AM and can't be playing until 11 PM. Someone's going to be unhappy no matter what you do.

Aaron Sackett
Yeah, I'm aware that a lot of people like earlier start times. I wasn't saying you should move every session back to 9:30pm. If you sought a few late skates to add to your many 8pm summer starts, you might actually make (almost) everyone happy.