Error when try to add credit card

John Faughnan
Got this message. Definitely not a normal error message; it's a code bug. "The API user name is invalid or not present" API typically stands for "application programming interface"

Rick Banaszewski Administrator
John, are you trying to save a credit card? If so, that functionality doesn't work. No other users are reporting issues when trying to add funds, so I assume that functionality works. If not, I recommend trying a different browser. For better assistance, message us using via our Help Desk at

John Faughnan
Could the save credit card functionality be removed or just add a warning that it didn't work? I can't be the only one to spend time on this (even if I'm the only one to report it).

John Faughnan
I mean add some text to the page that's displayed that says "Sorry, this doesn't work. Just add to your account from ___ page." I'm fine by the way, just trying to save people time/frustration.

Rick Banaszewski Administrator
Yes, we do have that item on the list to update, sorry for the additional work.