Group Covid-19 Discussion

Michael Speakman
I wanted to open up a community discussion about this situation. I know the comments were closed on the previous post, but I think we need to be open to discussion in this community. I've always been anxious about germs. Especially with players spitting on the floor of the bench and blowing their noses on the water bottles. I'm not a fan of the spitting in general but now it seems even more discourteous. I'm thinking of giving up pickup hockey for a few weeks to see what happens. Is anyone else feeling this way? Or is your attitude more just carry on as usual? I'd be curious to know. Thanks to all the JMS community. I know is still lots of fun playing hockey to be had.

Patrick Story
Covid19, CoorsX, RollingRockFever, I could never stand the spitting and nose blowing during high school and college years let alone during JMS. I plan on playing it out.

Christian Girtz
Speakman, I couldn't agree with you more. I too am having a hard time deciding whether to play. But, I believe BIG and Braemar have already announced closings for at least a few weeks and other rinks will probably follow and our decision will be made for us.

Matt Todd
I agree 100% on the spitting. Aside from the obvious germs issues its just disgusting to sit on the bench and be looking down at that, getting it on your skates or on your stick.

Patrick Conlan
Girtz/Speakman - you guys have both been within 1' of my gloves, you'd be fine!
JMS on hiatus until at least 3/30. Lotta rinks closing, although NSC Sports Center is still open (at the moment). Not sure why MN schools are still open, but that's another thread...
Stay safe and healthy, friends!

Rob Jones
Snot and spit aside, it's in the best interest of everyone to stay home. I felt really weird playing my last AHA game on Sunday March 15th. As this situation gets worse by the day, it just makes more and more sense to stay at home.
Now when I finally get back in net after a couple months, I may look and feel like Jabba the Hutt. If the "break" lasts any longer than that, it's going to be REALLY difficult for me to come back playing at my age! Well, at least in net anyhow.
Be well and stay safe everyone!!!

Michael Speakman
I know Richfield took out their ice to update refrigeration. I don't think there will be any hockey for a while. Even if rinks did open in a couple weeks, I think it would be best for me and my family to not play hockey for much longer than that. Thank god for rollerblades.

Cullen Kiely
I’m guessing the stay at home order the governor issued today will wipe out games until April 10, at least.

Mark Lo'M

Tom Williams
Time to kill? Came across this site:

Cullen Kiely
My Bauer Bump is gone...

Jeff Hedin
I'm actually working on my stickhandling in my basement and will set up a shooting range in my garage. I gotta make up for my slow feet somehow! :-)

Cullen Kiely
I was talking to my neighbor today from a safe distance. She said her husband just got an email from another pickup league in which he plays. She said it sounds like they may be starting up again, soon.

Matt Todd
Hockey finder spring leagues are planning to start on the fifth. I was signed up for one, but bowed out.

Cullen Kiely
Huh. Are the rinks planning on opening up?

Neil Urbanski
I was forwarded the below email from Dakotah! Ice Arena. Of course, it could easily change, but this is their plan:
Dakotah! Ice Center Rental Restrictions for Covid-19
We are targeting an opening of May 4th.
1) We are limiting the participants to 20 per session.
2) Participants are not allowed in the building until 15 minutes prior to their session and must be out of the building 15 minutes after their session.
3) There will be 30 minutes between all rentals to avoid 2 groups in the rink at one time.
4) Rink 1 and Rink 2 will be offset so that participants entering and exiting will not cross paths.
5) We are encouraging drop off and pick up of the participants to reduce bodies in the building. Please do not bring siblings to hang out in the building during the ice times.
6) The locker rooms and showers will not be available. Come as far dressed as possible. There will be benches available in open areas to lace up skates.
7) Entry to the building will only be through the sliding doors where rink 1, rink 2 and The Link connect.
8) All interior doors will be propped open to eliminate unnecessary transmission of germs.
9) No open skate, open hockey or open freestyle during phase 1 opening.

Cullen Kiely

Jamie Senske
Rinks are opening June1st and even my sons AAA is starting up next week. The rinks are looking to get going. Is JMS getting in on the opening? they should be.

Cullen Kiely
I saw a comment on the HF FB page that some rinks are opening June 15, but aren’t scheduling adult hockey till August.

Jamie Senske
Thanks for the info Cullen.

Matt Todd
If rinks and jms are going to follow with the minnesota hockey guidelines that I've seen we won't be playing until August 1st. I'm not sure what guidelines the state has or will have but that can have an impact too

Austin lindemann
Let's get this bad boy fired up again. Enough of the waiting, someone is going to have to take the proverbial "first step forward" and let that be us in the great state of hockey!

Cullen Kiely
The Cottage Grove Ice Arena is open for kids practice, etc., but I also see on the schedule that someone has rented ice for Adult Hockey. I was hoping for their sticks and pucks open skate to get some work in.

Steve Adie
Enough of the madness, let’s play hockey

David Crowe

Paul Groschen
Looks like Hockey games are allowed beginning July 1st at St. Louis Park arena

Cullen Kiely
Last week I stopped in to my local rink just looking for some open skating to get back in some semblance of shape. I was told probably not until August. Yet, while I was there, kids were doing socially distant drills on the ice.

Neil Urbanski
I would play.

Tom Bergerson
Lets get the game on!

Travis Roberts
It's time to lace em up already.

Ryan Wilson
I'm ready. Too hockey.

Steve Carter
The AHA just announced their Summer League starting in mid-July.

Nate Knickrehm
Game play can start July 1

Shawn Neugebauer
Has it been confirmed that games can start on July 1st? It’s my understanding that the governors orders only allow rinks to open for youth hockey practice and games. It actually lists hockey as a “high risk” of transmission and I don’t think city owned rinks are going to allow adult hockey until the governor clears it.

Nate Knickrehm
AHA Players,
Real Hockey is back! We are very excited to let you know that the Minnesota Department of Health has updated its guidelines to allow for game play starting July 1! We have a lot of opportunities for you to get back on the ice this summer and fall and finishing the 2019-20

Shawn Neugebauer
Nice! I did not see this anywhere...good to see

Steve Adie
So when will the schedule reflect playing opportunities?

Gary Engel
Serious case of hockey withdrawals!! Need to get back on the ice asap

Nathan Dobie
Does anybody have an idea when games going to start getting posted?

Jordan Perttunen
After Labor Day

Tom Bergerson
Wow. No hockey until September at JMS? I see HockeyFinder is having some. I will have to look into that

Jordan Perttunen
I have a skate in Somerset Youth Civic Center tonight if any one is interested in coming please pm me

Jordan Perttunen
I also have grabbed some ice at St. Louis Park

Rob Jones
I know there is some wonderment that ice arenas may be reopening and other places are scheduling ice times and may be perplexed why JMS is not. As a very long time customer of JMS, I ask you to PLEASE allow JMS to do what they feel is best. And if this means they feel more comfortable opening ice times up after Labor Day, then we all need to respect that decision. But I also implore you to remain part of the JMS family, even if attending ice times organized by others.
I thoroughly enjoy playing net with people I know, or maybe only get to skate with through JMS. We're all here to play hockey and have a good time. Lets do that when the time is right. Be sure to recheck for ice times around Labor Day! I'll look forward to seeing you on the ice!!!

Cullen Kiely
Well said, Rob.
I’m a veteran of well over 700 JMS games. I miss the games and the friends I’ve made here. I also really enjoy summer hockey and have been tempted to play with other groups. I still might if the time and location is just right, but my main focus is to find some open skating to get my legs back in shape for JMS this fall.
I sincerely hope that Barb is enjoying this well deserved respite!

Jay McNamara
I'm with Rob and Cullen!

Michael Speakman
So who's going for it!?!? I can't believe this thread is 6 months old and I haven't played hockey since! I'll still be sitting it out. Things haven't really improved in my opinion. I don't blame anyone choosing either way. It really has taken a significant mental toll on me to give up one of my favorite activities. My best to all of you, all you people out there that I haven't seen in so long.

Matt Todd
I'm in the high risk category so I don't think I'm going back for awhile. I want to go back so bad but it just doesn't seem wide. Things seems to be going the wrong way on the covid front. I'm with you, not playing has taken its toll on me mentally, but also physically as I've gained ten pounds.

Tom Bergerson
I will be there the minute it starts back up. Looks like games in a few weeks

Bill Schmidt
I will also be skating once it opens up again, I've actually been skating for over a month now. The rinks are doing what they can, with most you have to come dressed, can't use locker rooms, all require you to wear your mask to get into building, and wear it in the building unless your on the ice (I've seen a few skaters who do where mask on the ice). Some rinks check your temp upon entry (although not consistently). Not that all that precaution guarantees anything, and I don't hold judgement on those that do, or do not, choose to skate. I am looking forward to skating with some long lost friends at the Tuesday and Thursdays JMS skates I have skated for many years! HOWEVER, PLEASE CHECK YOUR TEMP BEFORE COMING TO THE RINK AND IF YOU ARE NOT FEELING WELL - DON'T SHOW UP!

Rob Jones
I’ve been skating since June 1st. Have not seen issues and have not come across anyone who has had anything COVID related. Most arenas are easy to use, except Braemar and BIG (no bags, no locker rooms). Other arenas provide locker rooms with distancing, require masks to enter, some take temps, and most have no showers or water fountains and bathrooms are scarce.

Steve Mechelke
I’ll wait.

Trey Lowery
I feel you Speaks, I'm holding out as well. Felt really crappy to tell my team I'm not going to be joining them for the playoffs. I'm technically not medically cleared but I'd probably would've played if it weren't for COVID. Stay healthy everyone.

Dan Vogtman
Some arenas are easier than others. Most are spraying down the benches between skates - same with seating for getting ready - with some sort of solution. So then it is about not having your own guys spit on the benches and minimizing contact on ice. New Hope does not allow bags which is not super convenient - so it is basically an outdoor locker room situation - which gets a bit interesting when they also have spin class going on at the same time with all the gazes we get as the moms come in to their classes and guys strapping up in the parking lot.

Rick Banaszewski
Forums • JMS Talk
Hello from the new owners
1 hour ago
Rick Banaszewski Administrator
Hi All!
Our team is extremely excited to be part of this great hockey community! While we know we may not be able to meet everyone, we plan to attend and play many games, meet the community, listen to constructive feedback, look for new arenas to add, and keep this hockey community moving forward into the future.
As we work on completing the transition to our team, please be on the look out for pickup games to restart at most locations. Please also understand that we are learning the behind the scenes efforts, so we may not be able to answer every question immediately. That said, we value your questions and comments, so we will get back with you as soon as we are able.
As Barbara mentioned in the newsletter, we bring passion to the sport and diverse business experiences that will allow us to continue providing a wide variety of pickup games and league play at the many rinks you already know, and continue to expand the JMS hockey community footprint.
We look forward to getting everyone back on the ice safely, and starting our JMS journey together.
All the best,
Jason Johnson
Rick Banaszewski
Jason Jelinek

Momin Khan
Hey All,
Just checking in to see how the games / Covid precautions are going?
I have high risk family in my home and can't risk exposing them because I want to play hockey.
Just looking for any feedback as to how it's feeling at the rink, and has anyone got sick yet?
That being said, it'll likely be a while before I get back to my usual Tuesday EP skate. Just trying to see if there is hope soon for me.
I can't wait to play again!

Michael Speakman
I can confirm that at least one player has transferred Covid-19 to another player at an AHA game last weekend. I don't want to say which players or which teams. I'm sure that all players involved will/have been notified. But I just wanted to say that it's out there. If a player comes to hockey with Covid, there is a good chance of transmission. Stay safe everyone.

Cullen Kiely
I played my first JMS game back at Polar last night. With one exception, the guys on my team were making a concerted effort to stay as spread out on the bench as possible. Still, it’s a bit disconcerting when two guys are within a couple feet of each other on the bench panting hard. It’s a bit of a crapshoot, I guess.

Rick Banaszewski
Hockey is back and starts up for JMS this Thursday! There are some games posted on our site, however, other times are still being finalized as arenas scramble to reschedule hundreds of hours of ice. Please be patient while we continually load games. Please check your game times carefully as there will be some changes to the start times. Also, as you are all likely aware, there are also new rules for us to follow.
The three major changes are:
Masks at all times - even when skating. Face coverings must cover both the nose and mouth to be approved for use. These can be a cloth mask, a disposable mask, a neck gaiter, a scarf, a bandana or a religious face covering. You can also wear the CCM Game On Mask, or the Bauer Concept 3 Face Shield and Splash Guard combination. A detailed FAQ on masks can be found here:
No locker rooms will be open and players can only enter the arena 10 minutes before the scheduled skate, and must leave within 10 minutes following completion of the game.
All skaters must get dressed and undressed at home or in the parking lot and are not allowed to bring your bag into the arena. Goalies, however, can arrive half dressed and bring their bag inside the arena.
The complete Phase 5 Return to Play Rules & Guidelines document can be found at

Tom Bergerson
That is pretty unreal. So no hockey for me then. Wearing a mask for 90 minutes on ice is not tenable. Who comes up with this stuff? State of Minnesota guidelines? So the MDH?

Jamie Senske
The mask isn’t that bad actually. The disposable ones are pretty breathable. I have been back coaching and the kids have been fine with the masks as well as coaches. It’s not too bad other than just being annoyed you have a mask on the ice.

Trey Lowery
I can assume the responses I may receive, but I'll throw my $.02. My family and I have taken stronger measures in regard to the pandemic. The last game I played anywhere was March of 2019, tore my patellar tendon literally the day after. I haven't played competitively since (skated one JMS essentially on one leg in Feb 2020 against my PT's recommendation).
I guess I say this to say, I understand being without hockey and it has completely sucked. If my personal circumstances were different, if it meant wearing a mask on the ice to play, I would do my absolute best to make that work. Again, this is coming from someone whose status is out, self-imposed/rehab, so feel free to take this with a grain of salt or salt lick.

Jason Jelinek
Locker room use is allowed for putting on and taking off
skates only.
No equipment bags allowed in the arena. Goalies are
allowed one bag.
Masks are required for all visitors at all times except 5
years old or younger or those with medical exemption.
50 people maximum on the ice at a time in 2 pods of no
more than 25 people for practices. Pods cannot inter-
Entry/exit for skaters - no more than 5min before and
after the rental.
Entry/exit for goalies - no more than 10min before and
after the rental.
Follow social distancing within the ice arena.
2 spectators allowed per skater for games.
Minors 9 and under are allowed one adult chaperone
accompanying them in the arena for practices.
Hand sanitizer station(s) in arena.
No dryland inside of arena.
No pro shop sales including skate sharpening at this time.
Drinking fountains will not be in use but the bottle fill will
be open.
Concessions closed for the season

Jason Jelinek
Skaters arrive 10 min before ice time
* All Skaters/Coaches must Exit immediately after ice time.
Face Mask-A face mask is required at all times inside EPCC. (Exec. Order 20-81)
Hockey players arrive Fully Dressed
* Adult Hockey players are not allowed to bring “Full-size Hockey bags” into the EPCC
* Adult Hockey players may have a small bag that holds Helmet, Skates, Gloves only
* Adult Hockey Goalies may bring their Hockey Bag.
Team Rooms available for Adult teams
(Players may choose to sit in designated chairs, outside of the team rooms)
Spectators not allowed at this time
* Utilize the Ice Rink Ice entrance, your group is skating on.
If rink entrance is locked, please use an alternate entrance to Rinks 1,2,3.
* Skaters must maintain 6 feet distance when not on the ice or bench
* Adult Skaters not complying with the mask mandate or other facility guidelines may be
asked to leave or have the current ice rental/future ice rentals cancelled, without refund
Thank you for your cooperation as we all work together to allow adult groups to
continue to skate at the EPCC during these unprecedented times

Rick Banaszewski
Roseville Ice Arena rules:
1. Masks at all times, even while playing
2. No hockey bags, players are to come dressed except for skates/helmet/gloves
3. Locker rooms are open but only as skate changing areas, do not leave personal items in there
4. Players cannot arrive more than 10 minutes prior to ice time and must leave immediately after
5. Goalies can come 15 minutes early, partially dressed and they can also bring their bag.
6. Leave immediately after through the exits at the top of the arena bleachers

Rick Banaszewski
SLP highlights of the Plan/Policy Updates:
Face covering/mask required for all; including while on the ice
Arrive no more than 10 mins prior to ice time start and exit no more than 5 mins after ice time end
Games/scrimmages allowed starting January 14
Spectators allowed at games (with advanced reservation through ice renter); max spectators: West Arena 75, East Arena 60
Come fully dressed, no hockey bags (minus skates, gloves, helmet; goalies allowed to come half dressed and bring hockey bag)
*Spectators are not allowed at practices

Rick Banaszewski
Doug Woog Arena rules:
1. Masks at all times, even while playing
2. No Full size hockey bags, players are to come dressed except for skates/helmet/gloves, but can utilize a small duffel bag to carry personal belongings and gear that is not worn into the arena.
3. Players cannot arrive more than 10 minutes prior to ice time and must leave immediately after
4. Maintain social distancing as best as possible

Jason Jelinek
• If you’re not feeling well or have a fever please stay home.
• ALL users / spectators of Polar Arena must wear a mask at all times. This includes on ice.
• Please practice 6ft. – social distancing at all times.
• Skaters do not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start of your practice / game. Goalies 20 minutes.
• Vacate your changing space / arena 10 minutes after the end of your skate. No hanging around after your skate.
• Enter Arena through the “Handi-Cap” entrance. Exit arena through the “Main” entrance – follow signage.
• It is required to come dressed (no hockey bags) with your hockey gear on! Goalies however can enter with a hockey bag. We will do our best to supply you with space to put your skates on. NO CHANGING OF CLOTHES WILL BE PERMITTED IN YOUR CHANGING SPACE!
• Locker rooms will not be used at this time. Please leave all valuables in car. Polar Arena is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
• At this time two spectators for games / one for practice – if needed.
• BRING WATER! The drinking fountain is not available.
• Hand Sanitizer is available for your convenience
throughout the arena.
• Follow all signage during your time at the arena.

Tom Bergerson
Not sure what t hese guys are getting at. Here is Paragraph 10 of Mn Exec Order 20-81:
Circumstances where mandatory face coverings may be temporarily removed. Face coverings required under Paragraph 9 of this Executive Order may be temporarily removed under the following circumstances:
When participating in organized sports in an indoor business or indoor public space while the level of exertion makes it difficult to wear a face covering.
So why are they required at rinks during games?
It is killing me not to play, and the lack of exercise is making me and others MORE susceptible to COVID. Let me know when we can play WITHOUT masks and can use the locker rooms and I will be right there

Steve Adie
I’m with Tom. I’m itching to get back and play but wearing a mask on the ice is ridiculous. I’ll be back when sensibility returns.

Rick Banaszewski
Thanks for the feedback Tom and Steve, we get it. The masks are a nuisance, which don't really stay up anyway and can get wet. Unfortunately we're stuck with the rules, but hope they change soon.

Tom Bergerson
Rick, my point is that the very executive order cited by the Eden Prairie rink above (Exec Order 20-81) has an EXCEPTION to the rules for, and I quote from the actual Executive Order, "When participating in organized sports in an indoor business or indoor public space while the level of exertion makes it difficult to wear a face covering." Does that not cover playing hockey for 90 minutes?

Rob Jones
I have yet to be at an arena where anyone checks and monitors it. I’ve played with many players outside and in JMS that are either mask less or have them pulled down while playing. Even Braemar didn’t seem to care players brought hockey bags and got dressed there.
All this being said, err on the side of caution and follow the rules. Masks are tough, but I’d still rather be playing hockey!

Tom Williams
The clause about not wearing a mask was rescinded by Executive Order 21-01 on 1/10/21 (7/C/viii/C):
C. Notwithstanding paragraphs 10.a and 10.b of Executive Order 20-81, face coverings must be worn by all persons at all times, except when participating in activities that would involve soaking or submerging a face covering in water, such as swimming or showering.

Tom Bergerson
Good to know. Thanks Tom

Kate Worley
My friend and I will be playing maple grove tonight for the first time since covid hit the news stands. I read through the previous posts but would just like to clarify....
If I have a full face shield (idk what brand its one of the clear plastic ones that covers my entire face) do I still need a mask?
Also, the expectation is that gear will be put on in the parking lot and taken off in the parking lot but skates can be put on in side the rink?

Rob Jones
I have seen a couple players wearing the Itech type full face shields without a cloth mask. Not sure if it’s acceptable.
Best scenario is to get dressed at home, bring your hockey bag in the car and have a small backpack or bag for tape, phone, keys, wallet, etc. Put your helmet and gloves on when you get out of the car and carry in sticks and skates. Put skates on inside.
Afterwards, get undressed at home.

Jamie Senske
You are required to wear a mask under your face shield as well. Or you can get the Bauer concept 3 spit guard that fits on the shield and blocks the top row of holes on the shield.

Jason Jelinek
Here are the updated Maple Grove guidelines:
2021 Adult Hockey for pick up play and games
Overview of current guidelines (not all inclusive)
Skaters should not enter the building until 15 minutes prior to the ice time.
Masks/Face coverings are required at ALL TIMES, include while skating.
Players are requested to come fully dressed except to put glove and helmets on. The minimum allowance requires skaters to arrive half dress in hockey gear for the pants and leg pads.
No equipment bags except for goaltenders. Small bags or backpack with skaters, gloves and helmet is acceptable.
No team rooms/locker rooms are available. Use chairs around the perimeter of the rink to change skates.
Maintain 6 ft social distancing off the ice. Maintain 9 ft social distancing on the ice, excluding during games.
Spectators are not allowed at this time for adult open hockey and pick up game ice rentals. You will informed when these guideline relaxes.
Stay home if experiencing symptoms as listed on the MDH Visitor Health Screen list attached.

Rick Banaszewski
Jamie - the Bauer concept 3 shield and spit guard are approved.

Jamie Senske
Yep! That’s what I was saying above.

Rick Banaszewski
St. Thomas Ice Arena rules below. Two things to note: Hockey Bags ARE allowed for ALL and Locker Rooms are open.
1. Wear a mask at all times
2. Anyone with symptoms, stay home.
3. Anyone in contact with a positive-tested individual, refrain for 2 weeks.
4. Arrive dressed in bottoms for skaters. Goalies, dress as much as possible.
5. No spitting in Locker rooms, bench area or on ice.
6. No Showering

Jason Jelinek
New Guidelines for Eden Prairie. Effective Today-Feb 15.
· Adults MAY now use Team Rooms to dress/un-dress before and after their games.
. Full size bags ARE allowed for adult hockey skaters.
· The 10 min. rule will remain in effect, along with mandatory face masks inside of the team rooms and all other facility Covid guidelines.
· The EPCC Support- will Un-lock the team rooms before each ice time.
· EPCC Support- needs to swing back 15 min. after the ice time, to make sure the group has left for the evening.
· Chairs are still available outside of team rooms, for putting on helmet/skates/gloves only. They are not to be used for changing into/out of other hockey equipment.

Jason Jelinek
Maple Grove Update:
Locker rooms are now open. They still ask that the bags for skaters are kept to smaller duffels; no full size bags other than goalies.
The rest of the rules remain the same. You can find them a few posts up on this thread.

Kanan Suzuya
Apple Valley Sports Arena Update:
Still no bags allowed (except for goalies), locker rooms for TUE LL games will not be open due to our game following the high school games.

Marc Olson
Any idea on bags or locker rooms at Woog?

Rob Jones
Ive played a couple of AHA games there and they allowed bags. Was just there last night. Locker rooms open, bags allowed.
Not positive it’s the same for JMS, but wouldn’t see why not?

Rick Banaszewski
Hey Rob/Marc - we've been told by Woog both JMS and AHA are only allowed small bags, but I see you're hearing or seeing different. Do you have a specific rule change from AHA you can send me? We've been pushing the rinks hard to allow full size bags and to let us get fully dressed inside, with a little luck, but Woog was not one of them.

Rob Jones
Rick... I forwarded the email AHA sent to its players to the info@JMS account.

Joe Jagoe
Is AHA a USA/MN Hockey sanctioned league? If so that may be why there is a difference. MN Hockey is piloting test programs with adult leagues to offer locker room access and allowing bags to determine whether it’s safe to allow this across the board. As to the people refusing to play due to the mask, honestly on the ice I don’t really notice it. Sucks more on the bench but you can guzzle some water for an excuse to drop it down for a minute. Haven’t played in any JMS skates yet since it started back up but my league started back up and if a mask is the difference between playing and not playing I’ll throw that mask on before hitting the ice any day.

Matt Todd
Yes, AHA is MN hockey sanctioned

Ryan Brown
Any word on how long the parking-lot dressing will continue for?

Rick Banaszewski
Hey Ryan, no word yet, but we hope soon. Maybe after the youth season is over?? Right now Eden Prairie allows everyone to bring in their bags and get dressed inside, however, most other arenas have not followed suit.

Ryan Brown
Thanks for the info, Rick - I’m looking forward to starting back up once some of the restrictions are lifted.

Steve Mechelke
St. Thomas still makes you come in dressed? Guess I signed up too soon. I can wait.

Patrick Conlan
Steve - STIA has locker rooms open; plenty of guys get fully dressed in the rink. No reason not to sign up, bring some brisket, beers, and your L2/3 game.

Jeff Hedin
Brisket and beer? :-O Can I cancel Maple Grove and come to Mendota Heights? ;-)

Steve Mechelke
Show it Patrick!

Rick Banaszewski
Updated St. Louis Park guidelines starting April 1, 2021:
-You can now bring bags/change/dress in the locker rooms; benches/chairs will still be available outside of locker rooms (Note: benches/chair areas are not meant for completely changing into/out of skating attire, if you are disrobing you must use the locker room.
-Showering is still prohibited
-Arrive no more then 15 mins before your scheduled ice time/leave 15 mins after ice time
-Masks are still required while on the ice and throughout the Rec Center

Rick Banaszewski
Updated St. Thomas Ice Arena rules below. No need to partially dress at home and players can arrive more than 15 minutes early, but need to keep it within reason.
1. Wear a mask at all times
2. Anyone with symptoms, stay home.
3. Anyone in contact with a positive-tested individual, refrain for 2 weeks.
4. Can fully dress inside and early within reason.
5. No spitting in Locker rooms, bench area or on ice.
6. No Showering

Aaron Sackett
I'm not quite ready to play yet, Steve, but if you're bringing brisket, I'll definitely show up to the postgame. I'll even bring the buns, as usual.
Seriously, though, JMS guys: If you could ever open sessions exclusively for people who could prove they're fully vaccinated, I'd be in every week. Upload a photo of the vaccination card, sign up for the game, and maybe we don't worry so much about masks falling off... better games for us, more $$$ for you. I know at least a couple other JMSers who are basically waiting for this to happen.

Steve Mechelke
We’re still a ways away from brisket or pulled pork Aaron! I ain’t doing it until I can shower after hockey.

Michael Speakman
I’d like to echo the sentiment about vaccines. I know it’s a personal and somewhat charged issue. I will be fully vaxed this week and am interested in starting up hockey again. Since I haven’t really been out in the hockey scene recently, is there a sense that most people are getting vaccinated?
I know lots of people have never stopped skating, so that kind of tells me a little bit about how they feel about it all. I’m not trying to start any beef, like I said, I know it’s a charged issue and to each their own.

Momin Khan
I've stayed away completely as well. I'd definitely be interested in a vaccinated only game for a bit.

Ryan Brown

Jordan Perttunen
With Governor Walz lifting the state mask mandate and the most recent CDC guidelines, do we really have to wear masks?

Rick Banaszewski
News is trickling in as each city makes their decisions. Officially, Roseville no longer requires a mask. We'll continue to share updates here as we learn more.

Rick Banaszewski
No longer requiring masks:
1) Roseville
2) St. Louis Park
3) St. Thomas
4) Woog - no need on ice, but ask that we wear them in and out for now. May change soon though.

Jordan Perttunen
Hopefully more rinks follow

Ryan Tuveson
My first game back since the covid. Playing Roseville. I know I don’t need a mask anymore but do I still have to show up dressed or are the locker rooms good to go?

Michael Speakman
I played Roseville last week. No masks, locker rooms open for changing.