D2 Nordeasters looking for skaters (AHA)
John Purdy
Turns out we're a bit thin on skaters for this upcoming winter league (2015-2016). Interested?
We're a fairly new team, coming out of last year's beginner school. It's be a great opportunity to join up with a group that hopes to settle at a higher placement.
Matt Zarras
John, what are u guys charging this season. I play goalie at D1 but have also did Evals as a skater and would be interested in also skating for a team.
John Purdy
Still up in the air if the team pay option will be a better value than the individual pay. So, not more than $460. Jerseys are from k1sportswear and about $70 each.
Matt Zarras
Ok, I was asking cause my D1 team is skating fall tourney and has a few practice scheduled so it's a bit more then just league costs.
Here's my email zdog1734@aol.com
John Purdy
Bump! Still looking for one or two more