In Need Of Helmet

Samuel Falls
Hey guys, I just grew out of my helmet and don't want to spend a million dollars on a new one. Is anyone looking to get rid of theirs? I'm also looking for a visor so if someone is getting rid of one of those, I'd like to take it off your hands. Thanks!

josh kieselhorst
What size you looking for

Kris Solverson
The highest rated helmet for preventing concussions (according to a recent study) is only $80, made by Warrior. People here might have one but don't expect much in the way of protection, the foam hardens after a certain number of years and doesn't prevent head issues.

Samuel Falls
I believe I'm a large now. Eh. Thirteen years of football and twelve concussions later, I don't really buy into the whole concussion ratings anymore. At this point, anything that makes it so I don't split my head open is good enough for me.

josh kieselhorst
I'm with you on the whole concussion stuff when you needing a helmet by I believe I have a large helmet that I don't use with a half shield I don't use

Samuel Falls
That would be perfect! How much are you looking for them?

josh kieselhorst
I won't be able to check the size of it till mid next week and it it works for ya 25 bucks or so

josh kieselhorst
What I know it's a Bauer helmet if that makes a difference and I got the full cage that came with it I will give ya too

Samuel Falls
Wow, that would be amazing! I am completely up for that if you're still looking to get rid of it!

josh kieselhorst
Just sent you a pm