New L3 only JMS league

Barbara Garn Administrator
We are expanding our JMS Hockey Clubs league offerings with a Maple Grove option. This one will be L3 only (players with L2/3 and L3/4 perms will be able to sign up for it). Games will be 75 minutes and on Sunday nights, starting March 8 (and skipping Easter Sunday). Nine guaranteed games plus a championship for the top two teams! Signups will open soon -- spread the word to your pals!!

Marcus Paulson
Barb could i be a goalie in that or would i have to be a player? Is there plans for any other leagues for the spring?

Jon Holtz Administrator
Hi Marcus, we are finalizing all of the details now. We are planning to continue our Eden Prairie and VMCC upper level leagues in addition to the brand new Maple Grove level 3 league. Our goal for any JMS league is to get goalies for each team that are similar in ability to each other, and the skaters they are playing with. Feel free to send me an e-mail at and we can discuss the goalie situation further. Thanks!

Chad Smith
With the creation of this new Maple Grove league, will there be any possibility of a North league verses South league championship game? Can the rise of the North side meet the challenge of the long standing dominate South?

Cheryl Kelly
That is great news! I will definitely sign up, thanks!!

Jon Holtz Administrator
Haha, I love it. Funny you say that because it's an idea we have been throwing around for a while, and hope to implement at some point in the future. Although I'm not sure if a level 3 league vs. an upper level league is really what we are looking for:)

Scott Polzin
I think another night would be better. Like Friday. Yeah Friday.

Cheryl Kelly
I just tried to signup for this league as there is 1spot left and after adding money to my account to sign up its saying its full, very disappointed to say the least, it's still saying there is 1 spot left

Jon Holtz Administrator
Hi Cheryl, there is one spot left. I will e-mail you directly...

Cheryl Kelly
Thank you John for taking care of this and also really appreciate the quick response, you guys are the best!