Skate on the same team as your friends

Andy Baird
About a year ago we started setting game rosters ahead of time that balanced teams based on the level of players. We've now expanded this to allow you to pick who you want to skate with ahead of time. You can now select up to four friends to skate with. Teams will still remain balanced - the roster setting algorithm will take into account the friend requests and balance teams around them. To use it, simply click the "Select friends to play with" button at the bottom of the roster after signing up. If you have any suggestions or feedback, we'd love to hear it!

Greg Haakonson
Cool, just went and tested it out.

Luan Chan
Great feature! I'm glad you guys added this.

Haakan Light
that is awesome! Thanks so much Andy!!!

Mark Gilmer
JMS never fails to impress. Next on the docket...reduced prices!

Steve Anderson
Cool feature. It doesn't work in Chrome though, had to boot up IE to get the menu to pop up.

Andy Baird
If you do a full reload (CTRL+SHIFT+R) in Chrome it should work. I had the same problem at first.

Mike Bologna
Sounds like a cool feature. Now just need to get some friends... 0.o

Chad Smith
How bout skaters you would like to skate against as an option.

Grant Ruis
Great feature. I have friends in many levels so this is an ideal setting. Good point Chad...guess you'll just have to hope you get placed on opposite teams for players you want to skate against!