JMS on Sunday mornings?
Barbara Garn
JMS is considering a Sunday morning game at Breck, 8 to 9:30 a.m., for levels 1-5.
We aren't sure if there is enough interest for this, so YOU can help us decide!
Go to the JMS Games page and scroll down to Sunday, May 4. Click "I'm interested" if you would play some Sunday mornings.
***The poll is NOT for May 4 only--the poll is for interest in an ongoing Sunday morning game at Breck.***
Questions? Want more info? Don't post in the forums--we can't monitor them constantly.
Please send a note to
Remember: starting a new game needs more than 21 people--we need a big pool of interested players to sign up when others are at the cabin, playing softball, home with sick kids, on travel for work, etc.