Wednesday Upper level or All level

Shawn Godfrey
When will there be a Upper level or all level Skate on Wednesday?

Grant Ruis
I hear ya. I've expressed some frustration about the lack of all-level sessions and they've done nothing about it. There's only two locations. Blaine and St Thomas (really far north or really far south). The last couple springs there have been many all-level options at rinks all around the place every week and this year its almost nothing. Maybe they just don't have the demand for all-level sessions anymore. Sure seems like there is a lot of upper level and lower level sessions which they could easily just switch to an all-level.

Mike O Shea
I much prefer Upper levels over Community skates, That's just me though.

Todd Chrun
Since the current league season is on Wednesdays for upper level players, I am guessing that has something to do with it. Also, the Minnehaha all level sessions really struggled to fill up on Wednesdays when the rink was available during the winter months.

Alisha Ellertson
I would also really appreciate an upper level or elite skate Wednesday.

Rob Jones
I don't really like the Community Sessions either. It'd be nice to go back to the L4, L5, etc. skates, or at least those being an option like the SLP L4 every Tuesday. If I wanted a Community Skate, I could also have the option of the evil neighbor in Edina which seems like an even worse option from what I've experienced while playing. BUT, I am happy with the JMS offerings and take ice when it fits me best, which seems like a lot less lately with the early ice times. I will bide my time though!!! It seems when JMS does go out on a limb to schedule a skate people are clamoring for, then it doesn't fill. At any rate, skates have been full for days now which is good. People want to play!!!

Karl Ness
Shawn, Just noticed they added a Wednesday night session. I'll be in for next week if that helps since this one filled up so fast. K

Mike O Shea
Awesome, Its already full! I hope it continues, to bad I have league games and cannot attend.