No Elite skate this Monday?

Karl Ness
It said if we had enough interest it would be booked. I show 30 people listed as interested. Did we not get enough people soon enough? I'm just wondering since the last two weeks have been the best Monday night skates in quite a while. I would hate to lose some of the newer, faster guys who've made the last two weeks great.

Mike O Shea
I hope it gets booked, I would like to play.

Nick Brett
I was hoping for a session tonight as well, but it doesn't look like one got scheduled. I know there was a lot of interest.

Andy Baird
Unfortunately by the time we had enough people indicate interest the ice time was already gone. We did look at nearby rinks, but with this time of year being such a popular time for youth tourneys it's hard to get last minute ice. The game will be back next week, though.