AHA B3 Skaters needed for winter season

Scott Poska
My team still has several openings for the 2013-2014 AHA winter season. Let me know if you are interested and I can get you more info. The last AHA evaluation, required for all new players to AHA, is next Thursday 9:30pm at Breck. Thanks! Scott Poska sposka at gmail dot com

Scott Poska
FYI-AHA B3 is roughly equivalent to JMS Level 4.

Todd Newton
I would be interested. what do you need and do you know what night the games are?

Nick Schultz
I just got bumped up from C3 to B3 thanks to fall league... So now I need a team... You can check the stats on AHA if you want

kai ahlman
I'm attending the last eval session on Thursday and should be around a level 4/5 equivalent to what AHA runs. I'll play with whoever needs me!

Scott Poska
Group, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. The Wild B3 team needs 2 more skaters, preferably D, for sure. I need to see if we can fit a third in too. Todd, sign up for the AHA eval on Thursday night and put down you want to play for the Wild B3 team http://www.ahahockey.com/programs/twin-cities/evaluation Nick, Ive skated with you in JMS before and would love to add you to our roster. If you are still interested, email me sposka at gmail dot com and Ill fill you in on the details to be added to the team. Kai, tell the league at the eval that you'd like to play with the Wild B3. If you eval at B3 and we have a spot then you'll go to us. Otherwise, if we are full then you can be drafted to a different team.