Gear Rules

kai ahlman
Hello Everyone!
I'm new to JMS hockey and need a little clarification: are shoulder pads absolutely required, or is it a personal preference thing? I'm slowly acquiring a full set of gear again (some a**hole stole my gear bag), and since I never wore shoulder pads for pickup hockey before, I want to be sure I don't need to grab new, used but new to me, shoulders as well.
Thank God I stumbled upon this site because I haven't been able to find ANY ice times anywhere outside of Victory Memorial on Saturday afternoons, which they discontinued. I look forward to playing with the majority of you and am happy to get back on the ice!

Mark Hong
Shoulder pads are optional and up to personal preference.

Mike Tibodeau
From the JMS help section:
◦Wear full gear (shins, breezers, elbows, shoulders [optional but strongly recommended], gloves and helmet). You can leave off the shoulders, but everything else is required. You must have a helmet, but you are allowed to play with no mask or a half shield, though this is NOT advisable.
◦Bring a white and a dark jersey. Do not bring yellow, grey or orange as they are neither "dark" nor white.
Welcome to JMS!