SLP game this Wed?

Mark Kaput
There are 31 people showing interest, and I'm just wondering if we think we'll be able to get the rink? I'd love to play in net.

Barbara Garn Administrator
I contacted the rink yesterday (Sunday) when it was clear we had enough interest to likely make the game a success. There was no-one at the rink with ice-booking authority; I expect to hear back today (Monday) and will post the game directly I am able (given demands of real job, etc.). It's worth noting we had just 15 last week and had to cancel the game due to low numbers the week before that. For those interested in the MG game, I also have a request in for ice there. I can't post anything until the rinks get back to me. Thanks.

Barbara Garn Administrator
Update: the two Wednesday games have been booked. Crossing fingers that interest translates to signups!