Chad Smith
Either the sign up option is not working or I've been black balled out of JMS. Example: Brooklyn Park Friday is FULL with zero skaters. Please help.

Andrew Westrum
if you click into the game, you can see "No ice this week, returns next week" written near the top of the page. i've notice a lot of times the slot is still shown just as a placeholder when a game has a week off due to no ice availability. i think this could be caused by a tournament or other event using the rink. something like that...

Andrew Westrum
similarly the Breck Anderson game on Thursday says "Game returns on April 18." hope that provides some clarity!

Paul Fearnside
Are all the other time slots already full for the entire week?? Never seen that happen before.

Eric Jorgensen
All - We are working on a feature to better indicate when ice isn't available for a usual session. Look for it soon.

Mike O Shea
I think JMS needs to get more Ice times! if possible. Every game fills up within the first 48 hours.

Barbara Garn Administrator
Yep, we want to offer more ice. But we also don't want to offer TOO much ice. The notify list for full games never has enough interested people to make up a second game. And nobody wants to go back to seeing games with 7 skaters the morning of gameday, getting those pleading e-mails from me and then having a game with only 15 people. So ponder the JMS offerings model: it's not sliding (if 32 people want to play a hockey game, then 32 people play a hockey game), it's a stairstep (if 32 people want to play a hockey game, either 22 play and 10 don't, or 22 play and 10 play, yiiikes on that second game). The stairstep model is why I'm always trying to balance teams when one LLCS has 14 (unhappy) skaters and the other is full at 22 with a wait list. But, usually because we don't book ice close enough to overlap, nobody wants to drive to even out the sessions with 18 per side. Looks easy on the surface? Good! But it's all complex once you start poking around.

Barbara Garn Administrator
ADDITIONAL. Been thinking about this. Unfortunately, the SUCCESSFUL array of JMS offerings inevitably WILL have some people who want to play, but can't. Because of the stairstep model. We want all games to be full. If a game is full, how likely is it that EXACTLY 21 players want to skate? It's more likely that "full" means "21 + wait list." How would we have enough roster spots for EVERYONE who wants to play? By booking games until we have open roster spots (which show unfulfilled demand and we know that everyone who wants to skate is signed up). But open roster spots don't help pay for the ice. We are working really really hard to keep skater game prices low (haven't raised in 4? 5? years, despite most rinks raising prices twice every year). So we don't want to start charging skaters extra to pay for the empty roster spots. Make sense? I WANT to keep booking games so that everyone who wants to play, CAN play. But that is financially unwise and unsustainable. That said, when I saw the April 19 game at Roseville was FULL just 10 hours after posting, I added more ice for that night... :-)