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Home (white) team Awesome Possums 5
Away (dark) team Honey Badgers 2 5
Rink Eden Prairie Comm Ctr Rink 1
Date Wednesday May 28th, 2014
Time 7:30 PM


Awesome Possums Honey Badgers 2
1) Mike O Shea 1) Not reported
2) Chris Palahniuk 2) Not reported
3) Daniel P. 3) Not reported
4) Jason Rogers 4) Not reported
5) Not reported 5) Not reported

Smack Talk

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10 years ago
Barbara Garn Administrator
Parking note for tonight only (May 28): The upper parking lot of the Eden Prairie Community Center will be used for the Lion’s Club Schooner Days Event.
Parking will be available in the lower lot and the back lot of the Community Center, across the street at Round Lake Park and at the Eden Prairie High School.
An entrance in the back of the Community Center building will be available.
Ice User Groups are encouraged to use the back of the building parking lots if possible.

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