Captain Spotlight - Mark Lo'M

Dec 11th
Rick Banaszewski Administrator
Mark Lo'M - 1,483 games!!! One of the original captains and one who helps us with lots of behind the scenes work on pickup games (Thanks Mark!) -Tell us about you and JMS: Mark Lo’M is an abbreviation of my last name – for privacy reasons. I had been an avid tennis player and a coach for my daughter’s Edina U10 and U12 teams. As my hips and knees were wearing out and my coaching abilities were clearly outmatched, my daughter suggested that I try hockey myself (to see that it’s actually harder to execute on the ice than coaching/yelling from the bench). That weekend, under the suggestion a family friend and JMS’er, Randy Jones, my daughter and I went to watch a L3 JMS game and she gave me the go-ahead that I’d fit in OK – with of course, much-needed practice. GAME ON! I started playing JMS in February 2007. In March '07 I became a JMS captain. From then on, I’ve been hooked and have tried to play +2x= weekly ever since! Early on, I did JMS double-headers, regularly, on Tuesdays at SLP L3 and then L4 :) -What's next on your bucket list: Be pain-free. I retired ~2 years ago, and with a series of neck injuries throughout my life, I need to find a new adrenaline-sport(s) that do not require a helmet. -Favorite sports team: Any team I am playing on. I’m not really a fan of watching other than highlights. -Hobbies or sports you participated in beyond hockey: Hanging out with my wife and daughters, played college soccer, fitness/working-out, tennis, ran a few TC Marathons, snowboarding, motorcycling, global travel, and reading. -Favorite food: Anything to fill-up -Favorite memory of JMS: So so so many - Meeting many good people, building a wonderful JMS Community, and making some great friends, watching the JMS Community and JMS business model evolve, and seeing players grow personally, starting families and improving on their hockey skillsets.