B3 Gators need 3-4 players and a goalie

Scott Widell
Hey!! The B3 Gators are in need of 3-4 skaters to replace people who elected not to play this year. Our goalie also had a job change and can't commit this year. If you are interested please let us know! Thanks!!

Scott Widell
Please email me swidell4321@gmail.com

Doug Hopperstad
Do you still have openings? I am looking to join a team for the winter. I just moved back from Texas and evaluated at B3. I can play offense or defense. My email: dhop1962@icloud.com

Scott Widell
i will forward ur info to our team captain Doug and keep u updated. We need 3 to 4 total to due a team pay to save everyone some money and have sub players.