
Daniel Drager
I am new to Jms hockey, what should I know as far as being a new player to Jms? What would you have as far as advice to give? Thanks Dan

Clay Hickman
Welcome Dan! Advice, sign up early for the game you want and just jump in with both feet the first time. Most of us don't bite. Don't know what other advice to offer since not sure what level you're at.

Daniel Drager
Thanks, I am planing on starting up in february, I'm waiting on some gear to arrive.

Marc Anders
Fish the forums a little, there are a few threads dealing with newcomers and what to expect. Have fun!

Jeff Ward
I would try my new gear when it arrives, maybe skate outside on a city rink with it. Then just show up for your game. I usually arrive 20 minutes early, find the locker room, change ,find out if you are black or white team, wear that jersey and hit the ice. You will skate a little warm up , the Captain will say a few words about JMS , and how the game rules work thru his eyes. Then your game starts , and you and your team mates try and score, and keep from being scored on.Its a team sport but , you can play or participate at any speed or level you choose.