Advice on injury

Sean Tipping
Hello all! So I've skated a lot this past winter and have had a nagging groin/ lower abdominal pain for the last couple months. Doesn't seem to be getting any better. I am planning on taking the next month off of playing to see if it will heal up, as skating definitely aggravates it. Now I'm no doctor ( and realize that seeing one might be in my best interests, but I'm stubborn haha) but from reading online sounds like possibly a sports hernia, and if so may not heal on it's own, and possibly require surgery. Now I'd Like to avoid that by all means but do want to play this summer, sooo, just wondering if any fellow skaters have been through this and what my best move is. Time off and core work as therapy? Or just just suck it up an see a doctor? All advice is greatly appreciated!

Rob Jones
I think you have to do both. Rest and see a doctor. Doc is just going to recommend what they see is best, which is probably rest initially, then coming back for a recheck to see how you ar progressing. Sure, surgery could be an option, but mainly a recommendation. Its like knowing you have a slow leak in your tire, but just filling it up with air and keep driving on it. Eventually, the tire needs to be fixed (or replaced). Probably best to take care of it right away and start enjoying playing FULLY instead of hobbling around in generalized pain!

Gregory Eide
I have to second Rob's comments. You do not want to mess around with any pain that lasts more than a few days. You definitely do not want to outguess a possible hernia. Source: Umbilical hernia repaired seven years ago. I had to sit four months to get medical clearance.

Richard Axelson
Sean, I had the same symptoms last season and the pain was terrible. It got so bad I couldn't do a situp. I went to the doctor and got an MRI. They said negative for a hernia and told me to stop playing hockey until the pain goes away. As bad as it sucked to not play, I listened and it took a few months to heal. You should go to the doctor to make sure it's not a hernia or something else serious. axe

Michael Lundgren
Keep playing until you can't play no more, don't be a bum.... All joking aside I would say doctors visit is in order.

Amy Juran
Is it mostly groin pain or abdominal? Also, is the groin pain accompanied by "catching" or "locking" in the hip?